Monday, April 21, 2014

S-Tuner Idea

S-Tuner is an idea I cooked up when I first got my MSP-430 development board from Texas Instruments. What a great little board for developing microcontroller projects!

After playing around with the MSP-430 for a while, it struck me what to do with it. I had seen a few stroboscopic guitar tuners the web. None of them had the features I wanted, so I decided to create my own.

My tuner had the following requirements:
  1. Be able to tune each string.
  2. Be able to tune in different tunings.
  3. Be accurate.
  4. Be stable.
  5. Dual Diode Strobe
  6. Adjustable Strobe Pulse Width
I first started out with the schematic. The schematic is covered in the next entry.